Two contrasting views from the Intelligent Investor blog (Doddsville) on whether there is a bubble in Australian real estate prices make for an interesting read:
Irrational Exuberance is great book on bubbles. Personally, I don't think Australia is quite in a bubble situation yet with housing. I tend to agree that as long as there is an under-supply of housing, it's quite unlikely that house prices will crash. On the other hand, the recent history of housing in the United States shows that under-supply in housing can be turned around pretty quickly so there's always reason to be cautious.
China on the other hand, strikes me as being in a real estate bubble. I'm in the
Chanos camp there. I've seen the videos of New South China Mall and Ordos and they are rather
scary! Unfortunately, I suspect it will be a very rough ride out of that particular situation, once things start to collapse. I don't think anyone knows exactly when that will be, but more people seem to be of that view: Chanos, Andy Xie, Jack Rodman and others.
Update: Interesting counterpoint on China on
Scott Sumner's blog:
I’d say if you are predicting a crash based on construction being 60% of GDP, and it’s actually only about 10%, that’s a big problem.
Hmmm, good point!