Sunday, October 24, 2010


I'm a huge communitychannel fan.

Blogging Heads TV

This is a great video blog site I recently discovered, although it's been around for about 5 years according to Wikipedia.

Tyler Cowen's conversation with Peter Singer is interesting and sometimes amusing. Cowen's personal assessment of Peter Singer is that he's in a long and great tradition of a (secular) Jewish moralist asking for a better world.
You're a kind of secular Talmudic scholar of utilitarianism trying to do mishnah on the classic notion of human wellbeing and bring to the world this idea that we all have obligations to do things to make other people better off.
Singer is rather tickled by the idea.

Cowen also links on his blog to a great Esther Duflo TED talk.

Laibach - Across the Universe

A chillout for the Sunday afternoon blues.